Kobe Bryant Talks Nike, Lil' Wayne & LeBron James With the.LIFE Files! from the.LIFE Files on Vimeo.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Just a random thought about my life
-I am one of those people who likes to try to write the script of how my life should be. Nothing happened the way I thought it should or want it to happen, but I could not have written the way the story has played out any better than it is-
This is the status update I just posted on facebook in reflection of how my life has been so far. I mean it really has been a great ride with many ups and major downs. It is sort of funny to see how the thoughts and ideas I had as a child have revealed themselves to me. At this very moment, I am just happy with life :)
This is the status update I just posted on facebook in reflection of how my life has been so far. I mean it really has been a great ride with many ups and major downs. It is sort of funny to see how the thoughts and ideas I had as a child have revealed themselves to me. At this very moment, I am just happy with life :)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Cleaning out some mess
Man today is actually a cool ass day. I know it has been awhile since I have posted on how I am doing as an actual person. I am loving life to the utmost right now. No it doesn't mean I am on an emotional high and now it doesn't mean that my life is perfect, it just means I am in love with my life and that's about that. I have made a few trips to the Philippines and have found a new culture I truly enjoy being in. I am currently in the market to get a condo there, so you know your boy is trying to make the right moves. One of the best moves that I am making (one that really helps benefit my mindset) is getting rid of the people in my life who don't help me grow to be better than I am. The most recent is a huge weight off my chest because this kat was more of a negative than a positive. No sense in putting it all out there because I don't like to down people, but real talk I am just happy that I was able to get what info I could from this kat, because I would not be able to to have made some moves without that info, but I am happy to move on and lean on this kat the way I used to. Just not taking that poison anymore.
Monday, October 19, 2009
-Untitled- byTracey Emin
Today there is no place inside me that makes me feel like I belong. There is an emptiness that feels me up from inside. Today love... True love is wanted more and more.
-- Post From My iPhone
-- Post From My iPhone
Rick Ross ft Robin Thicke "Lay Back" video
Any thing with my boy Robin Thicke in it is crack...
music video,
Robin Thicke
Melanie Fiona "It Kills Me"
Here is another music video from an artist I can't wait to hear more from...
CRS "US Placers" video by VA$HTIE
I have respected Vashtie vision in videos and fashion for a minute now but this take on CRS "US Placers" is really good. Enjoy...
music video
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Kobe and Hakeem
Another video of Kobe. It is cool to see that after winning four championships he is still working like he is new to the league. Here is taking the advice of a Houston great. I need to use this myself.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Redirecting my focus
I have really been all over the place lately. Today I just really wanted to be focus and figure out what I really want to do with my life. Even if it goes against the norm the next few years of my life will be prep for photography and Asian languages.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Turbo.. . an awesome short film
For the last year or so I have been becoming a fan of short films. I believe that the way we as a civilization are growing with technology that this really is this movie format is the next big thing. Anyways this film is cool sort of street fighter meets karate kid meets tron. Hope you enjoy...
TURBO from Jarrett Lee Conaway on Vimeo.
short film,
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Kobe being a leader... this is what I like to see
This video I just thought was cool because Kobe displays the way I want to be on the court this year. Leadership is something alpha dogs chase after, but only a few earn it. May I be one of them this season.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Back to the blogging world
Okay so I have missed hitting the blog scene and sharing my world. So I am back now!!!! I have a had a few great adventures in between so I hope to share a lot with anyone who wants to read. This time I am going to be fully open and honest. Females, life, travel, sports, anything, this is my blog so I am going to let it out.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Drake - Breast I eva had (Director's Cut)
Drake - Best I Ever Had - Director's Cut from kwest on Vimeo.
Kanye needs not direct a music video again. Now porno, he may have something here.
music video,
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
The King of Pop, Michael Jackson has past away

So it has been about 24 hours since the world learned that MJ has died and I am still rattled about it. I didn't really think that I would be, I mean it sucks and all but news of his death really does sting. Look back on my life MJ really help set up the soundtrack of my childhood and the feeling his music gave me was one of the utmost optimisim and always left me intrgued and in a state of "WOW". I really didn't see this coming, but I will say this much, "Greatness was lost on 25 JUN 09. That is all I can really say.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Robert Downey Jr, is the man
Here is the man chilling on set of Iron Man 2. My dude is just chillen there in the suit. I mean he is getting millions to sit there playing Iron Man.
Entourage spoof
I know I have been posting a lot of videos but this one pokes fun at my favorit TV show. I had to share it.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
It was all a dream
This is so cool that I have to create a new label for it. The good country of Japan has done it again. They have built a 59ft tall Gundam. People do I need to say it again a "59FT TALL" gundam. I mean really I have dreamt of seeing this and now it is here. If only it could work though. We need to get these things up and going, when the aleins come we will wish we had gundams to protect us.
via : gizmodo
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The magazine that is haunting me.

The above picture haunts me. I bought this magazine when it first came out and I have yet to read it. I just saw it and thought that it would be a good read, but truth be told there was just a feeling I got when I saw it that wasn't made clear to me until 2 days later. I sat the magazine to the side and decided not to read it because there was just something about it, that struck me as puzzling yet heartwarming. I know, I am a sap right? Anyways, after deciding not to read it I took it to work to share with co-workers and people that come to relax in our lounge and thought I would rid myself of the muse of my puzzling mindset. But soon found it there to create the same reaction that it did when I first purchased it.
That is when it hit me, it was her. The cover look a little bit about a woman who fills my mind with wonder. The feeling was fear because I haven't done what I can to pursue this woman and the wonder was in the fact that by look alone I want to be a better person in hopes that it makes her better. There are too many emotions to express, but I swear one day I will make the right move.... I hope!
This is her

Monday, June 1, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
For some strange reason...
I am not a huge Halo fan, but for some reason this game has me on edge to play. I can't wait until we find out more about Halo: ODST.
video games
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Something about me...
I just realized my last few post have been videos, nothing really about me just random viral videos, lol. So here is an update on my life. I am coming off of my vacation in Bangkok. This time I went easy on the partying and I really explored the city. I could go on and on about the city, but I will just say that I think I have a new home. I will do all I can to work there. I am currently in a state of mind where I am passionately driven to do some things and complete others.
I am also a bit caught up in this woman I met a few years back. Not really in the way one would think as if I am falling for her or something that deep, but I am fascinated by her or at least what she says. Her words are just very believable and that is rare to find in a woman. Liddell (here name) I really want to learn more about you just on the level of friendship, but I have to pump the brakes on the thought, because the idea I have of you, I dread to have that ruined.
Anyways, I have put the camera down for a little bit. I have stitches in my mouth at the moment so I don't want any evidence of the immense drooling I am forced to do. I already ripped a few stitches out as well; on the day I was a vampires dream for kissing, I really lost a lot of blood.
So that is enough for the catch up on my life. Got to take care of some business.
I am also a bit caught up in this woman I met a few years back. Not really in the way one would think as if I am falling for her or something that deep, but I am fascinated by her or at least what she says. Her words are just very believable and that is rare to find in a woman. Liddell (here name) I really want to learn more about you just on the level of friendship, but I have to pump the brakes on the thought, because the idea I have of you, I dread to have that ruined.
Anyways, I have put the camera down for a little bit. I have stitches in my mouth at the moment so I don't want any evidence of the immense drooling I am forced to do. I already ripped a few stitches out as well; on the day I was a vampires dream for kissing, I really lost a lot of blood.
So that is enough for the catch up on my life. Got to take care of some business.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Rosa Acosta...damn
If this doesn't inspire women to workout, man I don't know what to tell you. Now this standard of working out is one that compares to my standard.... ladies get your weight up
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
What a night
So a lot of people don't know that at the moment I have stiches in my mouth. I am beginning to think that I talk to much because tonight I popped a few stiches. I couldn't even tell; I was just talking with a friend and then I tasted blood in my mouth. Once I felt the blood gushing from my mouth I knew what had happened. It was freaking hot as hell (the blood) so I knew this meant I was going to have to go to the hospital. So I get rushed to the post hospital and they have to call in a dentist to stop the bleeding and stich me back up. I had lost a great deal of blood so I was a little out of it, but I gave my iPhone to my friend Angelo so we could docuement this properly. The funny thing is that through the whole thing Angelo and I were talking, while I was bleeding, while I was dizzy, while I was getting stiched back up. I just wouldn't shut up. Here are some pics....
This was the worse part.
Angelo taking a pic of me getting worked on
The sink I was bleeding over. Blood was everywhere
This was the worse part.
Angelo taking a pic of me getting worked on
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A "TechE" at heart
Well I am a gadget, software, and anything electronic lover so this post goes without saying. Whenever you are in an Asian country that has a huge technology center, you would be a fool not to go. Here is my buy from the Pantip Plaza IT in Bangkok, Thailand
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Hotel Hermit in Thailand
So I am stuck in my hotel here in Bangkok at the moment. I have stitches in my mouth and my lips are swollen so life sort of blows right now. Especially because there is a pretty young thing who I want to kick it with but I can't let here see me like this. Damn I can't wait to get these things out of my mouth and her into it, lol.
Maxwell - Pretty Wings "Video"
Its about time this ninja dropped a video. The album drops in July. I will have that pre-ordered on iTunes
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
My life at 26... 4 days before my birthday
I am always amazed at what I learn from a good book, a well composed album, or a well directed movie. At the moment I am watching "Revolutionary Road" (Leo is damn good in it) and my mind is damn near at a point of pure clarity about what to do in life. Watching this movie really shows the struggle people and couples face today, I mean how do you really seek what you want in life and how do you obtain it when life throws its curve ball (s) at you? One of the biggest curve balls life has thrown at me.... well man that is a long story one that I am really not ready to see written out before me, but the outcome of it has given me another chance to go at life on my own and when I look at it find my own way in life. Though I don't have this all figured out just yet, one thing from my personal curve ball that I have figured out is that while you have the chance to do it on your own live your life and pursue your dreams. Don't give up on those dreams for nothing other than to make way for a bigger dream of your own, no one else but your own.
I will write about that curve ball another time.
I will write about that curve ball another time.
All the Colors mixed together to Grey

Okay I think I need a drink. But lets face it living in Kuwait proves that to be a task in itself to achieve. I sort of feel like be grey for a little bit. This walking on either side of the street really just sucks at the moment. Either I am on the black side where I am in it for the rush and living for the moment or I am on the white side where I try to be the perfect gentleman or the white knight. I am just tired of my yin yang persona when it comes to women. I just want to be grey just for awhile, avoiding the attacks from the other side when I stay on one side for to long. And I am tired of thinking of all of this sappy shit as well. damn you white side.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Will this change everything?
So time is starting to wind down on the clock that I have set for myself.The clock leads to a vacation and on this vacation I will seek after something that I have always pondered upon; it is almost within my grasp. Real talk I am so fuckin nervous watching this clock wind down. I wish I could put into words what this all really means, breaking a stigma, ridding myself of an insecurity, the cause of laughter, breaking down that last wall that many people built against me, espically that one person. I promised myself that I would allw this to be the no turning back point that I need in my life. So it is almost here, I just hope it lives up to what I want it to be.
Friday, March 27, 2009
War of the Mannies'
So I am trying to figure this out here. This thing called life and these thoughts, emotions, and feelings we have. Real talk sometimes the reality of what I am faced with when it coems to women and what I hope for are so different and so blurred I just want to shut down and not think. Be the international playboy or be the everlasting romantic that I try to surpress. On the day to day I have a fight with myself and at the end of the fight with both me's lying on the ground I only have one resolve. As my both John Mayer says, "This heart didn't come with instructions". Does this shit even make sense?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The way it is done
The art of the one night stand is a fading one. It used to be a swave, romantic, and psuedo-ginuwine art. I mean lets no forget that it is a one night stand, but it used to be a moment of love disguised as lust, not a moment of lust disuised as love (as it is today).
Luther Vandross had it right he created a song that many can't seem to duplicate. In the said song LV managed to take the ideas and events of a single night and turn it from a sleezy bootycall into a romantic encounter that would seem to last forever (well until he kicked her out at dawn). This gives you a play by play of how it should be done. As LV tends to do he turns feelings into music. Enjoy....
If Only For One Night - Luther Vandross
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Neglecting my blog, NO MORE!!!
Okay so today I have decided to try not to be a speratic blogger. I mean I run into cool stuff that I would live to share witht he world all of the time and I just get to lazy or wrapped up in nothingness to do so. So today I am stopping that trend. Thats right I want change and I am doing people. Stay tuned!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Iphone OS X 3.0 update details TODAY!!!!
Today is the big day that Apple unveils the 3.0 update. While there has been no confirmation on the update, cut and paste is rumored to be one of the biggest updates. I personally would like to see the following
*Bluetooth tethering
*Updates on lock screen like (weather, email counts, text messages-actual message)
*Background programs running
*Cut and Paste
*Note-syncing with my Mac
*File storing.
Lets make these wishes come true apple. Make me investing in your stock worth my while. In a few hours we will see.
Monday, March 16, 2009
This is why you read Vanity Fair
So I caught this a week ago and today I ran across the actual cover shot that this is a parody from. In a recent Vanity Fair print there is a photo of Paul Rudd, Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill and Jason Segal poking a little fun of a 2006 cover of Vanity Fair featuring Tom Ford, Scarlett Johansson, and Keira Knightley.
Tom Ford, Scarlett Johansson, and Keira Knightley
Paul Rudd, Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill and Jason Segal
Tom Ford, Scarlett Johansson, and Keira Knightley
Chanel reinventing a classic look.
Lupe Fiasco started this nice little trend of defining what "cool" is. By labeling a part of his personality as "The Cool" he put the notion in my head that defining what is cool is a matter of self searching and defining.
Okay that is far from what this post is about but it is a great way to tie what I am thinking into the following.... Last week Karl Lagerfeld in Paris, presented a new look and take on a woman’s briefcase. The Chanel designer brought out a clearly (and I mean CLEARLY) innovative idea and it wouldn't surprise me to see the likes of Kanye West or Pharrell with this accessory in hand.
Pic from: http://www.thecoolhunter.net/

Okay that is far from what this post is about but it is a great way to tie what I am thinking into the following.... Last week Karl Lagerfeld in Paris, presented a new look and take on a woman’s briefcase. The Chanel designer brought out a clearly (and I mean CLEARLY) innovative idea and it wouldn't surprise me to see the likes of Kanye West or Pharrell with this accessory in hand.
Pic from: http://www.thecoolhunter.net/

Sunday, March 8, 2009
There is just something about the style.
I am a adoring reader of various magazines. GQ, Esquire, Details, Men's Vogue (before it was cancelled), and Vanity Fair, are just a few of the ones that come to mind when I think of keywords such as style & fashion. These magazines are constant inspiration to hold myself and carry myself at the level of a gentleman. Not only to I have to learn to play the part but I have to be the part, dress the part, and live the part. . It is in all walks of life (style) as a child my father always taught me when you look good, you play good; church was a huge fashion show filled with big mamas with flower hats, brothers wearing suits, and pastors in gold, lol I grew up around people trying to define their own style. It really wasn't until I saw Sean Connery play the role of James Bond in "Goldfinger" that I found my idol that I wanted my style to emulate. So needless to say I am a "wear a suit just because" type of guy, lol.
Pics from: thesartorialist.blogspot.com

Pics from: thesartorialist.blogspot.com
Monday, March 2, 2009
My President
This is just to cool not to post. This is President Obama enjoying a sad attempt by the Chicago Bulls to play basketball. It sort of is cool to know we have a man if office like this. Stick that in your pipe Rush!

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Random thinking
Randomness. Thats right I have no plans for the weekend so I though with the use of pictures I would show you all what I will put a smile on my face this weekend. Enjoy...

Monday, February 16, 2009
Romannce and the iPhone
Something that I just hate is when people wont use even the simplest of technology to its capabilities. Well this guy here took an iPhone and used it like no other. He created an app that used google maps to guide his girlfriend around San Francisco. As she arrived to each destination a video or note of sorts would pop up on her iPhone sharing a message of "Love" and guiding her to her next destination. By the trips end her route revealed the path of a heart and at the end was her boyfriend with a ring await her and a proposal before her. The app is called, "Romantech" and it is awesome to see people do things like this.
Now I myself shy away from "Love" but when my heart is ready to get back into it, I know that creativity like this will be my weapon. I am a sap for this kind of stuff.
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